Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage

Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage

Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage Communication tool suggestions for food to make with the Muslim . Introduction As background to dealing with this theme, the University of Muslim Der That from the AC of the Saudi Arabia of international students, food to be eaten with confidence This was know that have had a variety of trouble in order to put the wood in hand Theft has become a starting point. In this paper, the Islamic visited in Japan Toward the people of Muslims, it reduces a little, even the people who confused the Japanese diet, For the purpose of proposal of tools that can ease the stress of food, [halal food] Pork and alcohol, which is forbidden in Islam, which is said to be Communicator that etc. can check whether it is a food does not contain It introduces the Deployment design tools "HALAL CHECK CARDS" Via. At the same time, he worked as a graduate research through this case, Value and social meaning of information design education field of the new design I like to say a consideration also for how going to create from.

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