Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage

The Halal | NPO Japan Halal Association

Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage The Halal Islamic law is called the Halal that of legal ones in, is called al-Haram that of illegal ones. And, recently, there also be referred to as that of those that are not halal otherwise a non-halal (non halal). Clean and healthy 'Consciousness to know what you're eating' what is, is the beginning of a healthy diet. Food that has been processed in Halal is not intended only for people of the Muslim eat, you can eat of course anyone. Since the terms of meat to the bled, to prevent the growth of bacteria, keep the freshness, you can eat the clean meat. Other, processed products and in cosmetics intended to include components that are not Halal raw materials (pork extract, gelatin, lard, etc.) food, you will not be able to use. Generally, organic food has become a very popular in Japan in recent years. In Europe and the United States seems to have been growing in popularity from the people who use care early to health, but it is evidence that there has been an increased awareness of food and health in Japan.

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