Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage

Islam and Muslims | Halal Food Service Co., Ltd.

Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage Islam and Muslims Islam and the Islam, the current Saudi Arabia as the birthplace, is the religion of monotheism to preach the absolute submission to the only God Allah. The beginning of the century, was the originator by Muhammad to be the last prophet who received revelation from God. And Scripture Koran summarizes the revelation of God that Muhammad received, faith on the basis of the record hadith have been Itonama that showed his words and deeds. Muslims and the Muslims, is the Arabic word meaning Muslims. Life of Muslims are set out in detail in the precepts. To the pork and alcohol and contraindications it is well known, but other in various also of rules exists. However, even in the same Muslims, age, gender, living for countries and regions, also for customs, such as by sect that faith is that there are individual differences vary widely, there is a part which can not be said that this in one word. When you welcome as a tourist, you must first bear in mind the polite communication.

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