Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage

Halal menu of Awa Kanko Hotel

Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage Halal and Haram The Muslim is not the pork in the mouth is well-known, but the sweet peppers hate children different is divided than the one that eat only by the green peppers. Pork has entered food is not eaten all the dishes, also you can not eat dishes using cookware that was used to pork. Food in line with the teachings of Islam [halal (were allowed) foods], that is non-halal food is called the [Haram food]. Pork diet animals reptiles insects and by-products from these is Haram, it is prohibited to eat. The frogs and turtles also live in the land even in water, is the organism also prohibited, such as crabs. Alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Soy sauce and miso that alcohol is added is also useless. Ushihitsujiniwatorito is the food of halal, but it must be sacrificed along the Islam of manners. The food that has been certified as not in violation of the precepts of Islam, we have a halal certification mark.

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