Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage

Why hard to Islam to understand? Of One misleading and dangerous ...

Communication for the food to make with the Muslim ... - J-Stage why Islam Hard to understand? Of One misleading and dangerous reason Islam I difficult to reason that to understand? Say Islam, the general Japanese think very much so unfamiliar. Image is only likely also face that is ahead. Islamic view of A Japanese, 00 date the terrorist attacks [previous] and I think I changed a lot in the [subsequent]. [. Previously] is? Believe in God, "but I think that if it had seen the wind that, [. After] is completely? Terrorist" whether the people who are alive to observe the strict precepts Do not become the image of Oops. The Islam of the image is always uniform, also the amount of information is overwhelmingly less it is the cause. I It is the treatment is smaller in the world history of high school. So when I give a talk has a story taking more than half the time to the fact that [why Islam is difficult to understand]. I see. Will Why difficult to understand? A I have a large one of the reasons, first, The first is the fact that [there is no religious conference].

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